Wednesday, April 30, 2008

April 30, 2008

To start our project,

we measured the display

cases, so we know how

big the pictures need to be

We also started searching foR

backgrounds and different shoes

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

April 29, 2008

We took a break last week to make artist trading cards,
so today we are getting back on task to the bulletin board.


1. Shoe Border: we are going to make a border of shoes. the models of the shoes are going to make a walking effect, and each step taken will be a different pair of shoes. the background of the shoes are going to be the season changes, and the shoe in front will be the type of shoe for that season.

2. CIRCLE EXPLOSION!!@! Forrrrr the clothes, we are going to make a big swirly circle that somewhat explodes out. There will be models in clothes and different clothes represented.

3. BACKGROUND: The background will be different patterns to make the picture pop.

Display Case:

There are 3 different cases that we're going to use, so we decided that the end cases are going to be the circle explosions. One side will be the school appropriate clothing, the other will be the opposite. In the middle, we're going to put a title and a more detailed explanation of the dress code.


Thursday, April 17, 2008

April 17, 2008

Today is
the last day before our
mini-vacay, and we are currently taking
ideas and trying to make them into something
really great. We took pictures of the 4 of us, and
Kyndra in school appropriate/non-appropriate
clothes. For the appro. clothes we are posing
people like they are the most perfect students...
for the non appro. clothes, we made a paper bag
with a face on it to put over their heads.
On our first day back (tues.) we're going to go around the school
and get people who are willing to take pictures.

With these pictures, we hopefully will have a better ideaaaa.

until then!
- m u s c l e s

April 16, 2008

Today we decided that the paper doll idea was not good. It looked pretty bad... sooo we brainstormed new ideas for the bulletin thingamabobber. We decided to change everything about our previous idea, and are not 100% sure about what we're going to do, but we have things in mind :) YEAHYEAHYEAHYEAHYEAH!!!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

April 15th

Today we worked on dressing the dolls, we put shoes on one, and started on another outfitt. We hot glued the clothes onto the dolls. Duh, ... Thats all as of 10:16. Now there is a stupid bomb threat, er whatever. Now we all have to leave. Exit through the front doors. ....................................................................................................................................

Monday, April 14, 2008

April 14, 2008

Today we started off by sorting the clothes into what would be considered appropriate or non-appropriate. For a test trial, we began dressing a doll in brown pants and a pink polo. So far, it looks okay and we're about to glue the piece together. Hopefully by tomorrow the material will be completely dry, and we'll add extra things such as buttons, stitches, shoes, etc... For the shoes, we are taking pictures that we took of appropriate shoes and pasting them onto the dolls since the material doesn't work as well for shoes. For now we've been thinking of hanging these dolls up, side by side, and having cutouts from magagazines and pictures that we take of appropriate and non-appropriate clothing. The picture on the left of the text is an example of appropriate shoes that will be behind the dolls in a collage. On the right, we would take the shoe and cut out the background, then print the shoe out to paste on the doll.

Photos from Friday

Friday, April 11, 2008

April 11, 2008

Today we got paper dolls and we decided to get material to make clothes for these dolls. We're going to make a school appropriate doll and a non-appropriate, and maybe some crazy ones along the way. We dressed up in indian/hippy outfits to create the mood and to help carry the material. We're going to put a picture up on Monday and start working on making the clothes.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

April 10, 2008

Today we started off by brainstorming ideas to go on the bulletin... We decided that we're going to make different ideas of clothes, good and bad. We took pictures of school appropriate shoes today in front of a green screen and are going to be taking more pictures to add to our collection.